Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
The joint Australian, state and territory governments' Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) provide a range of financial assistance to the natural disaster-declared areas in each state or territory.
For the rainfall and flooding, the available assistance measures may include:
- counter disaster operations in the twenty-one (21) local government areas of:
- Barcaldine
- Barcoo
- Blackall-Tambo
- Boulia
- Burdekin
- Carpentaria
- Charters Towers
- Cloncurry
- Cook
- Croydon
- Douglas
- Flinders
- Hope Vale
- Lockhart River
- Longreach
- McKinlay
- Mornington
- Palm Island
- Richmond
- Whitsunday
- Winton
- restoration of damaged essential public assets in twenty-eight (28) local government areas of:
- Barcaldine
- Barcoo
- Blackall-Tambo
- Boulia
- Bulloo
- Burdekin
- Carpentaria
- Charters Towers
- Cloncurry
- Cook
- Croydon
- Diamantina
- Douglas
- Flinders
- Hopevale
- Lockhart River
- Longreach
- McKinlay
- Mornington
- Murweh
- Northern Peninsula
- Palm Island
- Richmond
- Torres
- Torres Strait
- Whitsunday
- Winton
- Wujal Wujal
- Disaster Assistance Loans and Essential Working Capital Loans for primary producers in the three (3) local government area of:
- Barcaldine
- Longreach
- Winton
- Freight subsidies for primary producers available in three (3) local government areas of:
- Barcaldine
- Longreach
- Winton
For information on available recovery assistance, visit the Queensland Reconstruction Authority website.