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Getting help

​​​Payments and allowances

People affected by events that are declared disasters may able to apply for the following payments:

One-off Disaster Recovery Payment

We may provide a one-off payment to support eligible people adversely affected by the bushfires called the Disaster Recovery Payment.

Short-term income support Disaster Recovery Allowance

We may provide short-term income support to people who can show they lost income as a direct result of the bushfires called the Disaster Recovery Allowance.

Communications during emergencies


See: Factsheet - Communications during emergencies

Help with translating and interpreting

The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) is an interpreting service we provide to help:

  • people who do not speak English in their daily lives
  • agencies and businesses to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.

Contact TIS National on 131 450 (within Australia).

See Translating and Interpreting Service

Help making a telephone call

  • Text telephone (TTY) or modem callers can contact the National Relay Service (NRS) on 133 677 (within Australia).
  • If it is hard for you to understand on the phone you can use the Speech to Speech Relay (SSR) via the NRS on 1300 555 727 (within Australia).

See National Relay Service​