Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) provides one-off financial assistance to eligible Australians adversely affected by the bushfires.
The rate of AGDRP is $1000 per eligible adult and $400 per eligible child. Claims for this payment can be lodged with Services Australia for a period up to six months.
AGDRP is available for people who have been seriously injured, have lost their homes or whose homes have been directly damaged, or are the immediate family members of a person who has died, as a direct result of the bushfires.
You have until 16 July 2020 to lodge a claim for AGDRP in the local government areas of Adelaide Hills, Kangaroo Island, Kingston, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Mount Barker, Playford, and Yorke Peninsula.
For more information on eligibility, visit the
Services Australia website or contact the Australian Government Information Hotline on 180 22 66 for claims assistance.
New Zealand ex-gratia disaster recovery payment
An ex-gratia payment is being provided to eligible New Zealand 'non-protected' special category visa (SCV) (subclass 444) holders who have been adversely affected by the bushfires.
The payment rate is $1000 per eligible adult, $1,000 per partner or dependent adult and $400 per eligible child. Claims for this payment can be lodged with Services Australia for a period of six months.
The payment is available for SCV holders who have been seriously injured, have lost their homes or whose homes have been directly damaged, or are the immediate family members of a person who has died, as a direct result of the bushfires.
You have until 16 July 2020 to lodge a claim for the ex-gratia disaster recovery payment in the local government areas of Adelaide Hills, Kangaroo Island, Kingston, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Mount Barker, Playford and Yorke Peninsula.
For more information on eligibility, visit the
Services Australia website or contact the Australian Government Information Hotline on 180 22 66 for claims assistance.
Disaster Recovery Allowance
The Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) provides income support payments to employees, primary producers and sole traders who can demonstrate they have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the bushfires.
DRA provides fortnightly payments for up to 13 weeks up to the applicable rate of Newstart or Youth Allowance, depending on the person's circumstances.
DRA is available to Australian residents who are sixteen years and older.
DRA is not available to those already receiving another income support payment or pension such as the Age Pension, Newstart Allowance or Service Pension.
You have until 12 August to lodge a claim for DRA in the local government areas of Adelaide Hills, Coorong, Kangaroo Island, Kingston, Mid Murray, Mount Barker, Murray Bridge, Playford, Southern Mallee and Yorke Peninsula.
For more information on eligibility, visit the Services Australia website or contact the Australian Government Information Hotline on 180 22 66 for claims for assistance.
New Zealand ex-gratia income support allowance
An ex-gratia income support allowance is available to eligible New Zealand 'non-protected' special category visa (SCV) (subclass 444) holders who can demonstrate they have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of the bushfires.
The income support allowance provides fortnightly payments for up to 13 weeks up to the applicable rate of Newstart or Youth Allowance, depending on the person's circumstances.
The allowance is available to SCV holders who are sixteen years and older.
You have until 12 August 2020 to lodge a claim for the ex-gratia income support allowance in the local government areas of Adelaide Hills, Coorong, Kangaroo Island, Kingston, Mid Murray, Mount Barker, Murray Bridge, Playford, Southern Mallee and Yorke Peninsula.
For more information on eligibility, visit the Services Australia website or contact the Australian Government Information Hotline on 180 22 66 for claims for assistance.
For more information on eligibility, visit the
Department of Human Services website or contact the Australian Government Information Hotline on 180 22 66 for claims for assistance.
Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
The joint Australian, state and territory governments' Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) provide a range of financial assistance to the natural disaster-declared areas in each state or territory.
For the bushfires which impacted South Australia from November 2019, the available assistance measures include:
- Personal hardship and distress assistance
- Personal and financial counselling
- Counter disaster operations
- Reconstruction of essential public assets
- Concessional interest rate loans for small businesses, primary producers and non-profit organisations.
Assistance is available in the eleven (11) local government areas of Adelaide Hills, Coorong, Kangaroo Island, Kingston, Lower Eyre Peninsula, Mid Murray, Mount Barker, Murray Bridge, Southern Mallee, Playford and Yorke Peninsula.
For information on available recovery assistance, visit the
South Australia emergency information and response website.
For further information on recovery arrangements, visit the
Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements page.
Category C Assistance
A Community Recovery Fund (CRF) has been activated to further assist bushfire affected communities. Funding is available for a range of measures including targeted community projects, a marketing program and support to volunteer participation.
The CRF is available in the five (5) local government areas of Mount Barker, Adelaide Hills, Murray Bridge, Mid Murray and Kangaroo Island.
Recovery grants of up to $75,000 for eligible primary producers and up to $50,000 for small businesses are also available.
Recovery grants are available in the nine (9) local government areas of Adelaide Hills, Coorong, Kangaroo Island, Kingston, Mid Murray, Mount Barker, Murray Bridge, Southern Mallee and Yorke Peninsula.
For information about recovery, or to access the primary producer and small business grants, people can visit or call the Recovery Hotline on 1800 302 787.
For information on available recovery assistance, visit the South Australian
Department of Human Services website.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will replace passports that have been lost or damaged in declared natural disasters free of charge, visit the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website.